Interesting Facts


Feline acne, commonly found on the chin, is less likely to occur in two-cat households. The raspy tongue of a feline can clean away the remains of a meal before the pores become clogged.


Cats have more bones than humans. Humans have 206 bones whereas the cat has 230. About 10% of a cats bones are in its tail. The tail is used to maintain balance. The cat does not have a true collarbone and can therefore squeeze its body through most spaces that its head fits through. Whiskers act as radar and help the cat gauge the space it is contemplating to walk through.


Animal psychologists agree that there's no better pet than a cat for soothing anxiety. Where dogs tend to take on their owners' characteristics, cats know their own boundaries and remain a steady influence in trying times.


Catnip is known botanically as Nepeta Cataria. The plant is in the mint family and grows in temperate climates around the world. Not all catnip is the same. Because the plant is affected by its growing conditions, many different types of catnip are available and each type has a different taste.

In the 17th and 18th centuries catnip tea was believed to have medicinal powers and was often prescribed by doctors in Europe and the Unites States for various ailments.

It is believed that the cats response to catnip is in the feline genes. With the exception of the tiger, the big cats have the same reaction to catnip as pet cats do. The effects of catnip last for about 6 minutes, with the first few minutes being most intense.

Cats of reproductive age are more sensitive to catnip than cats that are very young or very old.

Generally, males have more of a reaction to catnip than females do. Cats under 6 months old show no interest in catnip.


Chemicals can be absorbed through a cat's paws. Floor waxes and cleaning solutions pose a particular danger.

The majority of aerosol sprays contain poison and should never be sprayed near a cat's food.

Coins can choke a cat and should never be left around. Pennies minted after 1982 pose an added danger as they contain zinc which is toxic. Plastic dry cleaner bags can cause suffocation.

If you suspect that your cat has ingested a poisonous substance, for $65.00, you may save the life of your pet. Add this telephone number to your cellphone or address book now:

National Animal Poison Control Center: 1-888 426-4435

Their website can be found here.


A cat cannot see directly under its nose. This is why it sometimes cannot quickly find treats thrown on the floor.


Fleas are the equivalent of miniature vampires and can be deadly. They were responsible for the bubonic plague. Fleas infected with the disease passed it on to rodents who, in turn, passed it on to humans. Here are some flea facts:

  • Flea eggs may survive more than ten years under optimum conditions.
  • Carpets are the ideal environment for eggs and pupae to survive long periods of time.
  • There are 4 distinct stages in the life of a flea:


    • the egg
    • the larva
    • the pupa (more commonly called "cocoon")
    • the adult
  • Two out of three fleas are female
  • A female flea can consume 15 times her body weight in blood, daily
  • Four female fleas feeding four times a day for 100 days will bite your cat 1,600 times
  • There are thousands of species of fleas
  • Fleas dined on dinosaur blood 180 million years ago.


Every year American cat owners spend approximately one billion dollars more on cat food than on baby food! (Cats eat cat food for most of their lives.)

Studies have shown that cats who have access to food will snack 12 or more times per day. This frequent nibbling (free-feeding) maybe an instinctive behavior related to life in the wild – a light diet that keeps the energy going without causing sluggishness.

Cats prefer to dine in a quiet spot, at the same time and in the same place each day, and from clean bowls free from the residue of detergents and the previous meal.

Cats do not like their whiskers disturbed while dining, and many will refuse to eat from a bowl whose sides touch their whiskers.

Cats cannot taste sweets.

Chocolate is toxic. As little as a 16 oz. bar can kill a cat. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is.

Most adult cats are lactose intolerant and drinking milk will give them diarrhea. Otherwise, a small amount of milk is a nutritious snack. Cream is even better than milk – most cats can handle the butterfat just fine and it's good for them. A small serving of cream will satisfy the cat more than a saucer of milk and contains less lactose. Specialist cat milk is also available.

Do not purchase canned cat food that appears to be very red. The red coloring is due to the addition of sodium nitrate, a carcinogen. Pet food manufacturers are not required to list this chemical on their labels. Taurine is needed to prevent blindness. Make sure it is listed among the ingredients of the cat foods you choose.

Cats should not be given raw or undercooked meat, or raw eggs. E-coli, salmonella and toxoplasmosis are not just people diseases.

Although this varies from cat to cat, the average hunting 10 lb cat would consume about 10 mice per day. This amounts to about one cup of dry food or 10 ounces of canned food. A cat over 10 lbs would require a bit more.


Grooming your cat has several benefits. For one thing, using a brush and comb will help to eliminate hairballs. And since grooming is not just personal but a social activity among cats, it makes for a stronger bond with your pet. Of course, it's also a way to cut down on shedding.


A cats hearing capability is five times greater than that of a human. However, at about five years of age, this capability lessens somewhat. A cat can rotate its ears 180 degrees and can locate the source of a sound 10 times faster than the most capable watchdog.


Cats love hiding in closets and drawers. They also conceal themselves behind books in bookcases, inside recliners and in box springs of mattresses. Keep these places in mind when performing your daily household activities.


Americans have a soft spot for homeless cats. A Gallup Poll shows that most pet cats in the U.S. are adopted strays. These statistics emphasize the need for a broader-based program of spaying/neutering.


Cats in the wild rarely fight because there is usually enough room to divide the turf, usually about 175 acres. The lack of space in urban areas poses a problem with tomcats who must deal with overlapping domains.


According to tests performed by Donald Adams, D.V.M., the cat possesses a surprisingly high level of intelligence and can remember problem-solving strategies and use insight to "think" their way out of situations. Their curiosity stems from their intelligence and they will work endlessly and desperately to obtain the results they want.


A cat can sprint at 30 miles per hour and jump 7 times as high as its tail. When cats jump their footpads absorb the shock of landing.


There are more than 200 different meow and their meanings from "Hi, I'm glad to see you" to "Where's my food?" It seems this language is meant for humans, since cats rarely meow at other cats.


Tests done by the Behavioral Department of the Museum of Natural History conclude that while a dog's memory lasts about five minutes, a cats recall can last as long as 16 hours.


The heaviest cat on record was an Australian cat named Himmy who weighed 45 lbs, 10 oz. Himmy held the title of "Official World Heavyweight Champion in the Guinness" Book of World Records in 1986.


According to the Guinness Book of World Records the oldest cat of record was a mid-20th century female tabby named Ma, who lived to be 34 years old. (She would've been 114 in human years!)


The length of a cat's pregnancy is from 58-65 days.


Cats are known to sleep from 16-18 hours a day. While cats are sleeping they remain alert to the slightest stimuli.

The reason that cats seem to require less active time than all other mammals is that their efficiency in catching prey in the wild affords them the habit of leisure.


Your clothes dryer offers a nice warm spot for your cat on cold days. Make sure you check inside before doing your laundry.

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